
Thursday, January 16, 2014


 One Saturday morning I was chatting with my parents on Skype and they had a new name for me, “Miracle Child” This was rather interesting and they informed me they had a compelling and powerful story to tell me, which illustrates the love of our Heavenly Father.

It was the early 80’s in Uganda. There was a lot of insecurity and soldiers would go on rampage.  They would invade homes and steal goods. This kind of climate caused a lot of unrest in the nation and fear enveloped homes.

My mom was in the kitchen and she heard someone turn the door knob of the front door. She glanced at the door wondering who that could be. She then looked at a cracked window and saw a gun muzzle sticking through the window. There were soldiers around the house. My siblings were in a state of confusion and fear crept the atmosphere.

Hurriedly, my mum went to tell my dad what was at hand. My dad instantly rushed out of the shower. He put on clothes and proceeded to the kitchen with no time to waste, still wet with some water from his shower. My dad scanned the situation and knew these were government soldiers. He knew the common practice of soldiers invading innocent homes during those turbulent times.

God's protection. He calms the storm
One of the soldiers shouted, “Open the door or will blow up the house!”  My dad immediately decided to open the door because he was firmly aware that another house was blown up nearby, and this was a serious threat. As soon as he opened the door, soldiers stampeded into the house like wild buffaloes in a game reserve. They entered the house fully armed.

As the soldiers browsed the house looking for items to steal, one of the soldiers cut my dad on the forehead with a knife and he started bleeding. My siblings kept yelling, “Don’t kill daddy!”

The soldiers began to ask, “Where is the money!” My dad had already handed some money to one of the soldiers earlier. He had no money to offer them at that point. This caused confusion among the soldiers and they became angry with each other. Agitated they turned to my parents and started shouting at the top of their lungs, “We can kill you!” Suddenly, one of them kicked my mum who was pregnant with me at the time. The blow to the belly started to cause her to miscarry.

The argument over money distracted the soldiers. My dad then felt he could escape and managed to maneuver out of the home. He dashed to the neighbor’s house with a bleeding face. He stayed in the neighbor’s house for a couple of hours. While in this house, he pondered the safety and well being of his family.

  Stealthily, my dad crept to the bedroom window and knocked at it. This got the attention of my mum and she looked at the window and saw my dad. Moments before, my mum hoped my dad was safe and when she saw him at the window, there was a sight of hope that quenched her eyes and entered her heart.  Immediately she saw this welcoming image of my dad alive, the process of miscarriage came to a standstill supernaturally. My dad continued to inquire if everyone was fine and the soldiers were gone.  The response to the inquiry was that all was fine. Full of relief, he departed.  

He then felt it would be better to return to his house in the morning because sometimes soldiers tended to linger around, waiting for the host of the house to return. This was a wise decision because typically a return to waiting soldiers ended in death. In the end, the peace of God came upon the situation and the storm was calmed. God said, “Peace be still” to the storm. As a result, order was restored to the situation.

"Every good and perfect gift" by Pamorama Jones
The cry of a baby in a mother’s womb is a prayer to our Heavenly Father. When the soldiers came into our home and started causing chaos, I felt the trauma in my mum’s womb and I cried out. The Father heard my cry (prayer) and responded.  God brought divine order to what was going on in the unseen realm.  The light of God overcame darkness. 

My dad managed to escape and the power of God reversed the process of miscarriage supernaturally. Two weeks later I was born. I was a gift from God to my parents. Babies are a gift to parents from the Heavenly Father. 

The love of God towards His people is indescribable. He stretched His loving arm to protect my family. He hears every heartbeat and sound of His children, and when they cry out He restores peace in the midst of chaos. What a loving Father we have!

I am a loved supernatural child!

Marlon Katsigazi 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Entering New Realms

On Thursday, January 9, 2014, I woke up and I saw this image right in front of my eyes, almost like watching a film. There was an old man with a white beard and he was putting on a white garment. To his right there was portal/gate that looked like a ring of fire. It was spinning around. Then I heard the man say, “This is a new eclectic heavenly realm.” I sensed it was an open invitation to access the various realms of heaven.

After seeing this open vision, I saw three dice in front of my eyes. I focused to see the numbers on each face. It was like someone pressed the slow motion button, then my eyes zoomed in and I was able to see the numbers. The sum total of the numbers was 8. The prophetic meaning of 8 is new beginning. God wants His children to experience new things with Him. It is a beginning of new realms with God and the gates/doors are open.

This encounter has been in the forefront of my heart and I believe it is a now message for His children.

Heavenly Realms with God

Through the last couple of days God gave me more revelation and understanding

He has given His children access to multiple realms in heaven and given grace to access these realms.

He is calling for a deeper intimacy with Him in 2014 onwards so that we know His heart. As a result, we can boldly enter the heavenly realm, acquire kingdom blue prints and bring them to the earth realm to establish kingdom government across nations.  Intimacy is the fuel for revelation and understanding.

As children of God we need to know our kingdom assignment and fully function on earth according to that assignment. Earth is a realm of kingdom assignment and heaven has the guidelines for this assignment. Our steps should be synchronized with heaven to advance His kingdom on earth.

God is full of fun and wants us to experience an amazing adventure accessing these heavenly/glory realms to discover His mysteries and ways, so that we can transform the culture of the world to conform to that of heaven.

The key to walking effectively in these realms is going into deeper depths with God through intimacy and keeping our minds focused on things above.

 Colossians 3:1-3 says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (NKJV)

My prayer is that there will be an unprecedented hunger for God, and His children will be vessels of wonder that will establish heaven on earth.

Thank you, Father, that You have given us access to Your throne through Jesus.

Enjoy the ride with a fun and joyous God. He is so amazing!

Marlon Katsigazi

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


In the Morning of Sunday, December 8, 2013 during service I saw this amazing vision. I saw the Lord with flames of glory around Him (enchanting strings of fire). He was standing in the middle of the throne room and there was a host of angels suspended above Him. The angels were dancing and twirling in the air. As they danced the flames of glory went around them forming a resplendent pattern. After the flames went around the hosts of angels they returned to the Lord. The Lord was smiling as this glory dance celebration went on. It was so beautiful. The angels were so synchronized, I even learned a few dance moves and tried to do them during worship and when I came home. The worship leader also saw the same vision and I noticed later when I saw this vision, the worship song at hand was about His glory. Those angels can really shake a leg! What a glorious King we serve!
This experience reminded me that we should experience heaven on earth. Our Father wants us to have an exciting journey with Him on earth.
More revelation to this vision:
On March 23, 2014 I was listening to Kat Kerr. She was teaching in a Conference organized by Joan Hunter Ministries. Kat Kerr is a wonderful woman of God that Papa is using to reveal the brilliance and fun of heaven. At the end of the session, she talked about a  dance that the Lord taught her. An angel visited her at home and taught her the dance.
 The dance I learned from the angels on December 8, 2013 was similar to this dance and I was astonished. I was calling it the angel dance and Kat Kerr goes on to say that the dance is called the angel dance (revelation dance) as well. My heart was full of joy. The Lord gave me revelation and understanding to the dance I learned on December 8, 2013.  Here is the link to the Conference where Kat Kerr gives revelation of the dance
The dance has three steps:
  • The first step is digging out revelation like a treasure
  • The second step is thanking and praising God for the revelation
  • The final step is sharing the revelation with the rest of the world
 Marlon Katsigazi