
Friday, February 14, 2014


 Last night before I slept, I said, “I would love to spend time with my first love, Jesus.” It was interesting to know that it was about 2am,  February 14, 2014, Valentine’s Day. Through out the night I was thanking God for the different encounters I have had with Him in the past year. He has consumed my mind with good things and I am so honored to be a child of God. 

Before I got up this morning, I was still full of gratitude for the great things God has shown me, and then something mesmerizing happened. I was relaxing on the side of my bed, partially awake and I saw this glory cloud enter my bed room. I was calling my loved ones in the home to come and see it, but no one could hear my voice. It was an encounter that God prepared for me only. The cloud filled the whole bedroom and the room turned white.  Then a gateway was opened in front of the room and my spirit was taken up rapidly. I felt like God sent me a glory taxi in cloud form to take me up to the heavenly. It was so amazing.

I found myself in this beautiful place surrounded by white crystals with a couple of doors on the sides. I was dazed and confused, wondering where I was. Then it dawned on me, this is another wonderful encounter I am having with God. I started to enjoy myself and I was flying allover the place with inexpressible joy. My peeled eyes were in awe at the creativity and brilliance of our Dear Father. The place was enchanting. After sometime I heard a voice, “Are you finished?” and I said, “Yes". Immediately I was fully awake on my bed in complete amazement.

My first love, Jesus, had a wonderful gift for me on Valentine’s Day. He allowed me to go to this enchanting place to enjoy myself. God is really FUN. There is nothing boring about Him! 

May the eyes of people open up to see the reality of His goodness and love. We have a loving Daddy God.

Marlon Katsigazi

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Father's Love for Nations: Mexico and Colombia

As I was laying on my bed, Feb 4, 2014, and communicating with the Father, He opened my eyes to see Mexico City, Mexico and Bogota, Colombia. Then I saw the heaven's open and flowers fell upon those capital cities. The flowers were so beautiful and full of color like the colors of the rainbow. The flowers land on people and covered them. A sweet fragrance is released into the atmosphere by the flowers and the presence of God filled the atmosphere. The flowers covered the people, symbolic of how God's children are clothed by Jesus.

God's Embrace
I believe Papa showed me these two capital cities because they are a central point for His glory. His glory will cover these cities and signs and wonders will be prevalent. The signs and wonders will take over the media. Those involved in drug trafficking will succumb to the reverential fear of the Lord and be transformed because of the glory. The Capital cities will be the starting points of His glory and spread over a wide radius touching other nations in the Americas.

Loving Father cover the nations of Mexico and Colombia with Your love. May Your people see signs of your glory, and may these signs point them to Your arms.

Thank you, Papa, for embracing your people as precious sons and daughters.

Marlon Katsigazi

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Father's Love for Nations: England

To Lovers of God's nations,

On February 4, 2014, the Lord showed me this vision. A beam of light with the word "testimony" written on it, came out of my heart and through my mouth and I saw it entering different people in England. It travelled from Durham, NC, USA all the way to England. As the light landed on the heart of each person in England through the mouth, it also came out with the word "testimony" from each person's mouth. Similar to my experience.The testimony of Jesus was being immersed on the hearts of people bringing them to the realization of Christ as Lord.

The beam of light I believe is the glory of God being released and overcoming elements of darkness in the hearts of people. Each person who received the testimony of Jesus in their hearts was overwhelmed by the presence of God and their lives turned into a beautiful testimony, that they shared with other people. The people who received the beautiful testimony also became wonderful glory carriers with a beautiful testimony.

Glory Light
The Word of God illustrates how we overcome darkness by the blood of the lamb and the word of our  testimony. When we carry a powerful testimony full  of the work Jesus has done in our lives and share it with others, spiritual blindness begins to diminish and the light of God becomes clearer. The power of God is manifested in His glory and God's children in England need to see His power.

Another thing I saw in the vision was that each person that had the beam of light coming from the heart and out of the mouth began to look up to the heavens (symbolic of setting your thoughts on things above) as well, and another light came out from their mouth. The Bible says that we move from glory to glory, victory to victory and faith to faith. As children of God when we set our eyes and thoughts on heavenly things the capacity of His presence increases and His glory also grows. This light from the various people torpedoed to a mirror-like dome in the heavenly and all the light converged forming  one huge volume of light, that reflected back to earth covering the whole of England with the glory light.

May God raise people who will carry a  powerful testimony that has the glory of God written all over it to transform the culture of England. God loves the wonderful people of England.

Marlon Katsigazi

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Father's Love for Nations: Uganda

To Lovers of God's nations,

This morning, Friday, January 17, 2014, I had a vision. In this vision the Lord was showing me our positions in the heavenly, because we resurrected with Christ. So I was elevated up with Christ towards heaven, and I saw myself seated next to Him. I looked like a child and I had a crown on my face which hardly fit me. Then the Lord rubbed my face playfully, like a father playing with a child. He also laughed at my crown and we looked at each other smiling, and full of joy. He is my best buddy. After that He showed me a huge screen that was in front of us. It was screen that showed nations. I focus my eyes on the screen and I see the nation of Uganda on the screen. I see a lot of green vegetation, and I know it is Uganda. Then I see a cloud over that section of Uganda. In front of the cloud are three words: peace, joy and prosperity. I remember the prophetic word Pastor Perry of Shekinah Glory International gave us of a glory cloud being over Uganda, and then the understanding came.

The Lord sees Uganda as a nation of peace, joy and prosperity. He wants the people of Uganda to declare this over the nation. For example one can declare peace like this. The storm of corruption - peace be still, The storm of violence -peace be still, The storm of poverty - peace be still. Establish heaven on earth. Heaven is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Glory Cloud

You can get biblical verses related to the three words and declare this in the atmosphere. In your cell group. In all things we need wisdom and understanding. Also we need to declare from a place of revelation so that things are established. I believe the Lord wants you and the fellowship of believers to declare peace, joy and prosperity over Uganda. Let's bring the government of heaven on earth. It is about the Father's business, as Jesus said.

When we walk in peace and joy, creation celebrates. That is when we see prosperity, as resources are even unearthed.  Isaiah 55:12 - "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

You can share this with the leaders. The glory cloud over Uganda needs to cover the whole nation through declaration of peace, joy and prosperity.

God Bless,
